The course homepage was the starting point for the Spark interface. Our  development goals for Spark were to start with the smallest piece  possible, and expand upon it over time. Safelight Security already had a  large library of courses that inclu
 The video player shows an example of how Safelight's existing courses would fit in the interface. Chapters can be selected from the dropdown ribbon on the upper right, and transcripts are available to users who prefer to read the course text.
 One of the major pain points of Safelight's clients was the lack of  participation among employees. To help combat this, we experimented with  a number of ideas to spur competition. This included a leaderboard that  awarded points to the staff that
 From this menu, program managers would select which chapters of the  course would be seen by the different staff groups. For example,  customer service staff might see a broad overview of the concepts being  taught, while IT staff would be required
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